In Memoriam

compiled by editors | December 2016

Donald E. McGinnis


    Donald E. McGinnis passed away on October 28 in his home in Hilliard, Ohio. He was a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music with degrees in music education and clarinet performance followed by MA and PhD degrees in music theory and composition from the University of Iowa.  In 1941 he was hired at The Ohio State University where he taught woodwinds, assisted with both the concert and marching bands, and conducted the regimental bands. During WWII, he was the Communication Officer on the USS Lucidor in the South Pacific. 
    After the war, he returned to The Ohio State University  where he became conductor of the concert band. Under his leadership, the band gained national and international recognition through recordings and performances in venues like Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. He was principal clarinet of the Columbus Symphony for two years and principal flute for ten years. 
    During his retirement, he was the interim conductor of the Capital University Wind Ensemble, Columbus Youth Wind Ensemble, and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He also conducted the Southwestern Sym-phony Orchestra from 1979-1987. 
    McGinnis was a member of the American Bandmasters Association and served as president of the organization. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr. Donald E. McGinnis SOM New Day Fund (#314212) and sent to The Ohio State University Foundation, Attn. John Swartz, Director of Development, College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University, 1501 Neil Avenue, Suite 020, Columbus, OH 43210. 
    Katherine Borst Jones has compiled a timeline of his life and achievements that may be found at: