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Advertise in The Instrumentalist

The Instrumentalist is printed 5 times a year (plus an online issue in June), with a paid circulation going out to band and orchestra directors. Check with our advertising department for deadlines. We offer a variety of ad sizes to fit every budget. Please contact our us for rates and more information. There is no additional charge for color. Bleed (this means the ad will go to the edge of the page) is offered at no additional charge on full page and half page horizontal ads.

Special Advertising Issues

October Directory of Music Schools:

Include your school’s information in the free listing and then highlight it with a paid display ad. Full information here.

February Directory of Summer Music Camps:

Include your program’s information in the free listing and then highlight it with a paid display ad. Full information here.

Low-Cost Advertising Options

1/12-Page Ads: only $45. Ad size 2 3/8″ x 2 1/6″, color included. If you need design assistance, we are happy to help.

Classified Ads: $1 per word (minimum charge $25).

To place an order call 888-446-6888 or email

Ad Sizes

*Please note: 1 column is 2.167” in width, 2 columns is 4.583” in width, 3 columns is 7” in width.

Technical Specifications
Acceptable Formats:

Note: Microsoft Office documents are not accepted.

Images/Artwork Requirements: