Flutists in American and Canadian Symphony Orchestras

Flute Talk Editors | April 2020

This originally appeared in the November, 1972 issue of The Instrumentalist.

    Any flutist or piccoloist who aspires to a professional performing career in North America must face the fact that there exist only about 150 positions in his specialty that pay a steady living wage – more or less. The vast majority of these are in symphony orchestras, and when a vacancy occurs (there were only five or six this year) the competition is always very keen. Winning a post in one of these orchestras, therefore, marks one as an elite among professionals.
    The Instrumentalist feels that this special flute issue would be an appropriate occasion to publish a roll call of these musicians – in recognition of their unique professional stature. In this compilation, the principal flute of each symphony is listed first, and the principal piccolo last.

United States

Atlanta Symphony
Warren Little
Paul Brittan
Benson Prichard

Baltimore Symphony
Britton Johnson
Bonnie Lake
Laurie Sokoloff

Boston Symphony
Doriot Anthony Dwyer
James Pappoutsakis
Paul Fried
Lois Schaefer

Buffalo Philharmonic
John Burgess
Eiko Ito
Laurence M. Trott

Chicago Symphony
Donald Peck
Richard Graef
Ralph Johnson
Walfrid Kujala

Cincinnati Symphony
George Hambrecht
Elizabeth Bruner
Rochelle Doepke
Jack Wellbaum

Cleveland Orchestra
Maurice Sharp
John Rautenberg
Martin Heylman
William Hebert

Dallas Symphony
Jeanie Larson
Harvey E. Boatright
Karen D. Adrian

Denver Symphony
Pamela Endsley
Nora Shulman
Elaine Lenicheck

Detroit Symphony
Ervin Monroe
Shaul Ben-Meir
Robert Patrick
Clement Barone

Hartford Symphony
Carl Bergner
Stanley Aronson
Mary Ellen Jacobs

Honolulu Symphony
Jean Harting
Patricia Martin

Houston Symphony
Byron Hester
David Colvig
Carol Robertson

Indianapolis Symphony
Albert Saurini
Francis Fitzgerald
Anne Reynolds

Kansas City Philharmonic
James Hamilton
Doris Shoush
Thomas Hurst

Los Angeles Philharmonic
Roger Stevens, Co-Principal
Anne Giles, Co-Principal
Roland Moritz
Miles Zentner

Louisville Orchestra
Francis Fuge
Sally Brink
Marla Crutcher

Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
James Politis, Principal
Victor Just, Principal
James Hosmer
Fernando Morrone

Milwaukee Symphony
David Shostac
Glenda Lathrop
Rudoph Uhlik

Minnesota Orchestra (Minneapolis)
Sidney Zeitlin
Emil Opava
William Hedges
Emil Niosi

New Orleans Philharmonic
Dean Miller
Richard Harrison
Jacqueline Goudey

New York Philharmonic
Julius Baker
Paige Brook
Robert Morris
F. William Heim

Oklahoma City Symphony
Jean-Louis Kashy
Feodora Steward

Oregon Symphony (Portland)
John May
Mary Keller
Sherry Moore

Philadelphia Orchestra
Murray Panitz
Kenneth Scutt
Kenton Terry
John Krell

Pittsburgh Symphony
Bernard Goldberg
James R. Walker
Martin Lerner
Ethan Stang

Rochester Philharmonic
Bonnie Boyd
Francine Berger
Leone Buyse

St. Louis Symphony
Jacob Berg
Janice Smith
Janice Coleman
Jan Gippo

San Antonio Symphony
Eric Hoover
Bernard Birnbaum
Cynthia Foss

San Francisco Symphony
Paul Renzi
Barbara Bernhard
Gary E. Gray
Lloyd Gowen

Seattle Symphony
Scott Goff
Victor Case
Pamela Mooney

Syracuse Symphony
John Oberbrunner
Edward Karakaian
Cornelia Brewster

Utah Symphony (Salt Lake City)
Henry Hoffman
Ralph Gochnour
Michael Vance

Washington National Symphony
Wallace Mann
Thomas Perazzoli
John Dennis
Albert Woodward

Edmonton Symphony
Harlan Green
Joan Pecover
Andre Bergman

Montreal Symphony
Jeanne Baxtresser
Mardele Combs
Gretchen Kander

Quebec Symphony
Barbara Todd
Marcel Saint-Jacques
John Zan Zeen

Toronto Symphony
Nicholas Fiore
Marjorie Yates
Keith Girard
Anthony Antonacci

Vancouver Symphony
Harriet Crossland
Kenneth Helm
Conrad Crocker

Winnipeg Symphony
Nancy Doerksen
Albert Horch