The Instrumentalist
August 2003-July 2004, vol. 58
Interviews and Profiles
The Best Arrangers for Bands Create Vivid Musical Colors (Mark Rogers) by Thomas Bough (3/04, p. 10)
Robert Botti (oboist) (The View from the Second Chair) by Anne Mischakoff Heiles (9/03, p. 44)
Timothy Broege From Conducting to Composing by Thomas Connors (7/04, p. 10)
Ray Cramer Leads Bands, Midwest With Energy, Enduring Optimism by Jay Gephart (2/04, p. 10)
Daily Surprises and Mishaps In the Diary of a New Teacher by Melinda Chase (10/03, p. 24)
Frederick Fennell Looks Back on 51 Years of Wind Ensembles by Thomas Dvorak (9/03, p. 14)
From Air Force Band Conductor To Collegiate Chairman (Lowell Graham) by D. Gregory (11/03, p. 12)
From Vaughan Williams to Elgar With Conductor Richard Hickox by John Knight (10/03, p. 12)
A Frustration In Every Class For the First Year of Teaching by Chrissa Formas (9/03, p. 32)
How Eight School Directors Get Ready for the Next Year by Elizabeth Dall¬man (8/03, p. 16)
How Nestico Did It His Way by Stuart Ling (1/04, p. 14)
Hubert Laws, One of the First Classically Trained Jazz Flutists by Victoria Jicha (3/04, p. 24)
In a Career He Never Expected As Conductor of Army Field Band (Finley Hamilton) by Heather Pettit (4/04, p. 13)
John Williams Returns to Bands Where He Began 50 Years Ago by Major Michael J. Colburn (6/04, p. 12)
Luis Leguia Is a Blend of Enthusiastic Sailor, Professional Cellist, and Successful Inventor by Elizabeth Dallman (11/03, p. 27)
The Paradox of William Bennett: Old Flutes and Many Innovations by Victoria Jicha (8/03, p. 30)
Start with a Beautiful Melody (Sammy Nestico) by John Coggiola (1/04, p. 9)
The Tuba Moves to Center Stage When Deanna Swoboda Performs by Trey Reely (5/04, p. 10)
Using Both the Head and the Heart In Advanced Conducting Lessons (Myron Welch) by Bruce Moss (12/03, p. 12)
Robert Willoughby Combines The Wisdom of Three Masters by Victoria Jicha (7/04, p. 30)
Analyses and Conducting Articles
Blue Lake Overture/John Barnes Chance by Richard Dugger (6/04, p. 28)
Timothy Broege’s Sinfonia XVI Transcendental Vienna Analysis by Thomas Connors (7/04, p. 14)
The Haydn Variations Endure as Norman Dello Joio Turns 90 by Mark Fonder (9/03, p. 19)
Kimberly Archer Turned Sadness Into a Five-Movement Memorial by Patrick K. Carney (2/04, p. 20)
The Mahler Fifth Symphony Became Georg Solti’s Trademark by John Knight (12/03, p. 25)
In Search of the Ideal Balance Between Reading and Polishing by Elizabeth Dallman (1/04, p. 15)
London Symphony Conductors, From Memorable to Infamous by Denis Wick (3/04, p. 15)
Musicians vs. Maestros (3/04, p. 18)
Sparke’s Hanover Festival Has Intense Rhythms, Lyrical Melodies by John Wojcik (1/04, p. 26)
Youthful Exuberance and Tempo by David Kish (12/03, p. 16)
Articles on Teaching Music
Approaches to Memorizing by Jennifer Mishra (4/04, p. 62)
The Balance and Blend Improve With Different Seating Plans by James Page (3/04, p. 32)
High School Students Teach Beginners How to Play and Practice by Charles W. Staley, Jr. (4/04, p. 16)
More Efficient Rehearsals by Kevin Mixon (7/04, p. 38)
New Works and Proven Classics At Playable Difficulty Levels by Michael Doty (12/03, p. 46)
Reference Books on Band Music by Erik Janners (12/03, p. 52)
Save Note Reading for Later by Laura O’Connell (11/03, p. 34)
Solving Rhythms Problems by Garwood Whaley (7/04, p. 16)
Teach the Melody in Warm-ups by Daniel Brame (4/04, p. 60)
Toward Better Music Classes by Charles Groeling (6/04, p. 56)
The Tuning Goes Up and Down As Horns and Room Get Warmer by Richard Dugger (1/04, p. 19)
Woodwind Articles
Alternate Saxophone Fingerings Simplify Grade 2-3 Band Music by Richard Smiley (11/03, p. 48)
The Beautiful Alto Clarinet Is Neglected, Misunderstood by Donald McCathren (2/04, p. 44)
Careful Cuts in Clarinet Reeds by Charles West (8/03, p. 50)
Clarinets in Beethoven’s Day Had Faulty Keys, Reeds on Top by Beverly Jerold (5/04, p. 16)
Reeds, Keys, and Suggestions For Those Who Switch to Oboe by Jeremy Polk (3/04, p. 36)
Recommended Bassoon Solos by Elizabeth Fetters and Daniel Perttu (6/04, p. 36)
Selected Ensemble Literature for Wood¬wind Trios and Quartets by Carola Winkle (9/03, p. 84)
Brass Articles
The Complexities of Tuning Both Sides of a Double Horn by Gary L. Reeves (2/04, p. 56)
Simple Practice Exercises To Teach Multiple Tonguing by Emery Warnock (10/03, p. 50)
Start Slowly to Develop Speed On Technical Passages by David Ferguson (5/04, p. 34)
Trumpet Recordings by the Pros To Help High School Players by Ian D. Pearson (1/04, p. 34)
Percussion Articles
Chart Reading, Style, Brushes On Jazz Drumset Auditions by J. Vincent Harris (5/04, p. 36)
Crash Cymbal Consistency by John Beck (12/03, p. 92)
Theatrical Percussion Music by Jonathan Haas (10/03, p. 34)
Orchestra and String Articles
Good Hand Position and Posture Improve String Intonation by Michael Hopkins (8/03, p. 44)
Good String Quartet Music For a Beginning Ensemble by Kathryn Potter Crask (4/04, p. 38)
String Orchestra Masterpieces Beyond the Standard Repertoire by Jackson Leung (1/04, p. 40)
A String Program Thrives After School Music Is Cut by Elizabeth Dallman (6/04, p. 18)
The Timeless Wisdom of Leonard Rose by Daniel Morganstern (7/04, p. 25)
Jazz Articles
Listen to Parker and Gillespie For a Better Jazz Combo Sound by Mark Tonelli (10/03, p. 16)
Love Bein’ Here with You by Ron Modell (7/04, p. 86)
Use Altered Rhythms and Accents To Make Jazz Pieces Swing by Dan Bakos (6/04, p. 53)
Marching Articles
The Audience’s Perception of Distance and Spacing by Thomas P. Rohrer (9/03, p. 90)
Marches Are the Heritage of American Concert Bands by Carl Chevallard (11/03, p. 16)
Marching Drills for Beginners by Bill DeJournett (8/03, p. 36)
In Pursuit of Musical Skills with Only One Marching Show by Richard Saucedo, Michael Pote, Chris Kreke, and Andrew Cook (9/03, p. 29)
The Sound Lags in Marching Shows by Si Millican (7/04, p. 58)
Miscellaneous Articles
2003 Directory of Music Schools (10/03, p. 70)
2003 Survey of School Music Budgets (8/03, p. 20)
2004 Musician’s Dir. (7/04, p. 62)
2004 Summer Camp Dir. (3/04, p. 44)
Advice from College Deans to High School Students (10/03, p. 68)
The Allentown Band Celebrates 175 Years of Lively Music by Ronald Demkee (9/03, p. 52)
Behold the Lowly March by Harry Begian (12/03, p. 90)
Ray Charles (1930-2004) (7/04, p. 84)
C.B.D.N.A. Commissioned Works, Often Arduous, Many Forgotten by David Kish (4/04, p. 34)
College Band Directors Evolve from Transcriptions in 1940s to Wind Ensembles, New Sounds by Frank L. Battisti (4/04, p. 24)
Coping With Stage Fright by Michael Goode (6/04, p. 24)
Diary of the Annual Bus Trip With Three Performing Bands by
Michael Stone (12/03, p. 18)
Diary of a One-Week Band Trip From Bayfield to San Francisco by Jeff Wenz (5/04, p. 24)
Enduring Memories Of My Director by Scott Wilson (2/04, p. 78)
The Growth and Change In All-State Bands Over the Past 50 Years by W. Francis McBeth (8/03, p. 12)
The History and Evolution of the U.S. Copyright Law by Danny Rocks (2/04, p. 48)
Inspiration Comes First by Barry Green (6/04, p. 61)
The Journal of a Musician In the Era of Traveling Bands by Mark Fonder (12/03, p. 72)
Many Hear Without Listening by Mark Stevens (5/04, p. 63)
A New Band Piece Took One Phone Call Plus 21⁄2 Years of Work by Brian A. Silvey (2/04, p. 17)
Over 6,000 Years, Horns Evolved From Conch Shells to Trumpets by Robert Foster (10/03, p. 42)
The Path From Good to Great by Barry Green (4/04, p. 66)
Plan, Reconfirm, Wear Watches, Have Good Parents, Some Luck by Jeff Wenz (5/04, p. 30)
Profiles of the Performing Ensembles (12/03, p. 31)
Remembering Julius Baker (11/03, p. 72)
Remembering Vito Pascucci (1922-2003), (10/03, p. 100)
New Products (2/04, p. 28)
Personal Perspectives
Americans We/Allison Baker (7/04, 88)
Applause for Slow Hymn Tunes by Robert L. Spradling (9/03, p. 104)
A Birthday Surprise by Shirley Strohm Mullins (1/04, p. 80)
A Caution for Directors by Joshua S. Underwood (3/04, p. 80)
Hauling the Junk/R. Holder (6/04, p. 64)
Finding Humility in the Arctic by Dolores Fredrickson (12/03, p. 96)
Fresh Ideas for Band Concerts by Evan Feldman (8/03, p. 80)
It Finally Made Sense by Jeffrey Wagner (5/04, p. 64)
The Musicality Myth by Eric Simpson (4/04, p. 70)
My Guide To Avoiding Burnout by Kenneth Raessler (11/03, p. 80)
Recruiting Suggestions by F. David Romines (10/03, p. 112)
When Less Is More by R. Jack Mercer (2/04, p. 79)
Notes from Northfield, page 2
Anxious Moments by a mother (8/03)
The Band Director’s Daughter by Ashton Reely (1/04)
The Bands In My Dreams by Trey Reely (9/03)
From Camper to Conductor by Jane Church (3/04)
Composers and Pandering by Luigi Zaninelli (5/04)
The Homecoming Nightmare by Trey Reely (11/03)
In the Driver’s Seat by Trey Reely (2/04)
Marching Into Court by Trey Reely (6/04)
My Classical Commute by Allison Baker (4/04)
A Reason to Smile by Patricia Gringras (12/03)
So Long, Ray by J.T. Rohner (7/04)
Tea Time in London/J. Knight (10/03)
Author Index
Baker, Allison, Apr./2 (N); July/88 (PP)
Bakos, Dan, June/53 (J)
Battisti, Frank L., Apr./24 (X)
Beck, John, Dec./92 (P)
Begian, Harry, Dec./90 (X)
Bough, Thomas, Mar./10 (I)
Brame, Daniel, Apr./60 (E)
Carney, Patrick K., Feb./20 (C)
Chase, Melinda, Oct./24 (I)
Chevallard, Carl, Nov./16 (M)
Church, Jane, Mar./2 (N)
Coggiola, John, Jan./9 (I)
Colburn, Major Michael J., June/12 (I)
Connors, Thom., July/10 (I); July/14 (C)
Cook, Andrew, Sept./29 (M)
Crask, Kathryn Potter, Apr./38 (O)
Dallman, Elizabeth, Aug./16 (I); Nov./ 27 (I); Jan./15 (C); June/18 (O)
DeJournett, Bill, Aug./36 (M)
Demkee, Ronald, Sept./52 (X)
Doty, Michael, Dec./46 (E)
Dugger, Rich., Jan./19 (E); June/28 (C)
Dvorak, Thomas, Sept./14 (X)
Feldman, Evan, Aug./80 (PP)
Ferguson, David, May/34 (B)
Fetters, Elizabeth, June/36 (W)
Fonder, M., Sept./19 (C); Dec./72 (X)
Formas, Chrissa, Sept./32 (I)
Foster, Robert, Oct./42 (X)
Fredrickson, Dolores, Dec./96 (PP)
Gephart, Jay, Feb./10 (I)
Goode, Michael, June/24 (X)
Gregory, David, Nov./12 (I)
Green, Barry, Apr./66 (X); June/61 (X)
Gringras, Patricia, Dec./2 (N)
Groeling, Charles, June/56 (E)
Haas, Jonathan, Oct./34 (P)
Harris, J. Vincent, May/36 (P)
Heiles, Anne Mischakoff, Sept./44 (I)
Holder, Roy, June/64 (PP)
Hopkins, Michael, Aug./44 (O)
Janners, Erik, Dec./52 (E)
Jerold, Beverly, May/16 (W)
Jicha, Victoria, Aug./30 (W); Mar./24 (I); July/30 (E)
Kish, David, Dec./16 (C); Apr./34 (X)
Knight, John, Dec./25 (C); Oct./12 (I); Oct./2 (N)
Kreke, Chris, Sept./29 (M)
Leung, Jackson, Jan./40 (O)
Ling, Stuart, Jan./14 (I)
McBeth, W. Francis, Aug./12 (X)
McCathren, Donald, Feb./44 (W)
Mercer, R. Jack, Feb./79 (PP)
Millican, Si, July/58 (M)
Mishra, Jennifer, Apr./62 (E)
Mixon, Kevin, July/38 (E)
Modell, Ron, July/86 (J)
Morganstern, Daniel, July/25 (O)
Moss, Bruce, Dec./12 (I)
Mullins, Shirley Strohm, Jan./80 (PP)
O’Connell, Laura, Nov./34 (E)
Page, James, Mar./32 (E)
Pearson, Ian D., Jan./34 (B)
Perttu, Daniel, June/36 (W)
Pettit, Heather, Apr./13 (I)
Polk, Jeremy, Mar./36 (W)
Pote, Michael, Sept./29 (M)
Raessler, Kenneth, Nov./80 (PP)
Reely, Ashton, Jan./2 (N)
Reely, Trey, Sept./2, (N); Nov./2 (N); Feb./2 (N); May/10 (I); June/2
Reeves, Gary L., Feb./56 (B)
Rocks, Danny, Feb./48 (X)
Rohner, J.T., July/2 (N)
Rohrer, Thomas P., Sept./90 (M)
Romines, F. David, Oct./112 (PP)
Saucedo, Richard, Sept./29 (M)
Silvey, Brian A., Feb./17 (X)
Smiley, Richard, Nov./48 (W)
Spradling, Robert L., Sept./104 (PP)
Staley, Charles Jr., Apr./16 (E)
Stevens, Mark, May/63 (X)
Stone, Michael, Dec./18 (X)
Tonelli, Mark, Oct./16 (J)
Underwood, Joshua S., Mar./80 (PP)
Wagner, Jeffrey, May/64 (PP)
Warnock, Emery, Oct./50 (B)
Wenz, Jeff, May/24 (X); May/30 (X)
West, Charles, Aug./50 (W)
Whaley, Garwood, July/16 (E)
Wick, Denis, Mar./15 (C)
Wilson, Scott, Feb./78 (X)
Winkle, Carola, Sept./84 (W)
Wojcik, John, Jan./26 (C)
Zaninelli, Luigi, May/2 (N)
B = Brass articles
C = Analyses and Conducting articles
E = Music Education articles
I = Interviews and Profiles
J = Jazz articles
M = Marching Band articles
N = Notes from Northfield
O = Orchestra and String articles
P = Percussion articles
PP = Personal Perspective
W = Woodwind articles
X = Miscellaneous articles