The Instrumentalist
August 2001-July 2002, vol. 56
Interviews and Profiles
Dean Angeles (string educator) by Matthew Baumer (S/01, p. 30)
James Croft by Bruce Moss (5/02, p. 14)
Sandra Dackow (string educator) by Bradford Meyerdierks (9/01, p. 20)
Elliot Del Borgo by Brendan McBrien (1/02, p. 32)
The Enduring Legacy of Dorothy DeLay (1917-2002) (5/02, p. 40)
Charles Geyer (trumpet teacher) by Elizabeth Dallman (ll/01, p. 13)
Erich Kunzel (conductor) by Heather Pettit (1/02, p. 12)
Rhonda Larson (flutist) by Victoria Jicha (4/02, p. 40)
Frank Lestina (orchestra director) by John Thomson (12/01, p. 14)
Wavne Markworth (band director) by Linda Hartley (3/02, p. 16)
Sidney McKay (band director) by Gary Earton (6/02, p. 31)
Nan Moore (band director) by Elizabeth Dallman (4/02, p. 14)
Daniel Morganstern (cellist) by Elaine Fine (6/02, p. 12)
Larry Rachleff (conductor) by Gary Barton (10/01, p. 15)
Don Shupe (band director) by John Thomson (12/01, p. 14)
David Stanhope (composer) by Michael Doty (12/01, p. 32)
Julian White (band director) by Daryl T.Moore (7/02, p. 12)
Analyses and Conducting Articles
An Analysis of Stamp’s Pastime with Comments by the Composer by James P. McCrann (3/02, p. 20)
The Chords and Octaves Ring with Just-Diatonic Intonation by Cliff Colnot (3/02, P. 13)
Clarity in Musical Vocabulary by W. Francis McBeth (12/01, p. 12)
Copland’s Outdoor Overture: One Piece for Two Ensembles by John Knight (8/01, p. 17)
De Meij’s Lord of the Rings Explores the Realm of Fantasy by Charles T. Menghini (7/02, p. 20)
Evaluating Conductors by James Croft (9/01, p. 17)
The Genius of Willem Mengelberg in a Classic Strauss Recording by John Knight (11/01, p. 29)
The Gestures of Syncopation Lead into Off-Beat Entrances by Anthony J.Maiello (7/02, p. 17)
Graduate Conducting Auditions as Seen by the Faculty Committee by Bradford Meyerdierks (11/01, p. 25)
The Haunting Beauty of Tchaikovsky in the Hands of Herbert von Karajan by John Knight (7/02, p. 29)
Mendelssohn’s Overture for Band by Michael Johns (6/02, p. 27)
The Perils of Overconducting by John Knight (2/02, p. 14)
The Perils of Too Many Rehearsals by Frank Battisti (11/01, p. 46)
Programming Good Literature for Audiences and Students by Mark Camphouse (10/01, p. 40)
The Secret of Good Conducting, Interview with James Croft by Bruce Moss (5/02, p. 14)
Six Classic Works for Band With Creativity and Emotion by Stephen Peterson (6/02, p. 18)
Vaclav Nelhybel’s Trittico, A Symphonic Painting in Sound by Harry D. Bath (5/02, p. 34)
Articles on Teaching Music
Adults Who Play in the Band Leave Their Worries Behind by Ralph Wilder (5/02, p. 50)
Burned Out By Competitions by Mark Hosier (5/02, p. 30)
Changing the Basic Etudes and Scales into Complex Variations by Dennis Beck (3/02, p. 32)
School Composers in Residence by Frank Battisti (7/02, p. 46)
Easing the Transition to High School Music Programs by Deborah A. Shofner (10/01, p. 56)
Exercises to Improve the Easics by Dennis Beck (6/02, p. 70)
Home Alone Without a Band by Glenda Jones (12/01, p. 54)
Middle School Musicians Learn Through Inspiration and Hard Work by Michael D.Stone (10/01, p. 50)
Reflections on Surviving my First Year of Teaching by Michael Flake (10/01, p. 20)
Student Membership Grows With a Structured Recruiting Plan by Paul F. Doerksen (3/02, p. 44)
When Block Schedules Begin Instrumental Music Declines by James T. Rohner (4/02, p. 19)
When Right Notes are a Given the Important Work Begins by Ron Modell (9/01, p. 14)
Woodwind Articles
After Her Classical Training Rhonda Larson Chose a Different Path by Victoria Jicha (4/02, p. 40)
A Brief History of the Alto Flute by Andrea Redcay (2/02, p. 62)
Fitting and Adjusting Headjoints by James Phelan (6/02, p. 73)
The Golden Thread of Sound by Rebecca Meador (l/02,p. 52)
The History of the Piccolo from Fifes to Intricate Keys by Therese Wacker (11/01, p. 36)
Reducing Saxophone Lip Pain with a Cover on Lower Teeth by Tracy Lee Heavnen (l/02, p. 74)
Brass Articles
The Amazing 53-Year Career of Bud Herseth in Chicago (10/01, p. 26)
The Battle to Correct Intonation in the Studio of Charles Geyer by Elizabeth Dallman (11/01, p. 13)
The Bottom of the Band is the Tuba Pedal Register by Thomas Bough (8/01, p. 76)
Each Day Begins with Buzzing in Ronald Romm’s Trumpet Studio by Anne Mischakoff Heiles (2/02, p. 56)
Overlooked Auxiliary Valves Have Benefits and Drawbacks by Roger Rocco (7/02, p. 38)
Misunderstood Basics of Horn Playing Among Even Advanced Students by Christopher M. Smith (3/02, p. 36)
More Air, Less Lip, and Good Tone by Kenneth Laudermilch (6/02, p. 40)
Percussion Articles
Common Technical Problems with Young Percussionists by Stephen Hemphill (11/01, p. 56)
Enduring Snare Drum Exercises by Jonathan Haas (1/02, p. 42)
Good Snare Drum Tuning For Sound and Response by J. Papastefan (5/02, p. 52)
The Making of a Drum Company by William F. Ludwig, Jr. (2/02, p. 44)
Orchestra and String Articles
Never Give Up the Fight for Good Intonation by Shirley Strohm Mullins (12/01, p. 48)
Preparing String Players to Play in an Orchestra by B. Needham (8/01, p. 42)
A Shortage of String Teachers, Too Many Performance Majors, An Interview with Dean Angeles by Matthew Baumer (8/01, p. 30)
String Players Learn to Listen By Improvising in the Classroom by Robert Gillespie (4/02, p. 56)
With Cellist Daniel Morganstern the Leonard Rose Legacy Resounds by Elaine Fine (6/02, p. 12)
Jazz Articles
After Louis Armstrong Played the Jazz World Changed Forever by Michael Meckna (8/01, p. 12)
Beginning Jazz Rhythm Sections by Randy Kulik (5/02, p. 54)
Choosing Good Jazz Charts That Young Groups Can Play by Greg W.Yasinitsky (9/01, p. 52)
Jazz Trombone Techniques Learned from the Masters by David Lambert (4/02, p. 4S)
Learning the Language of Jazz from Recordings by the Masters by J. Jarvis (12/01, p. 40)
The Mysteries of Rhythm Parts That Confuse Jazz Students by Catherine Wheeler (1/02, p. 15)
Marching Articles
The Best Marching Bands Never Skip the Warm-up by P. Dunnigan (10/01, p. 46)
Corps-style Percussion Tips for High School Marching Bands by Thomas Bough (10/01, p. 52)
Focus on the Musical Aspects in Marching Band Rehearsals by Brad Townsend (3/01, p. 48)
Miscellaneous Articles
The 1952 Revolution at Eastman Changed the Band World Forever by Frank Battisti (2/02. p. 20)
2001 Directory of Music Schools (10/01, p. 68)
Survey of Music Budgets (8/01, p. 34)
Summer Camp Directory (3/02, p. 60)
After Charles Hansen Arrived Publishing Was Never the Same by Elizabeth Dallman (l/02,p. 23)
And Then There Were Two by Robert Weirich (9/01, p. 34)
Band Intonation Stabilizes with a Synthesized Bass by Mike Lee (8/01, p. 82)
Custom Earplugs for Musicians by Catherine Wheeler (11/01, p. IS)
Carl D. Greenleaf, Second President of C.G. Conn (9/01, p. 96)
History of the National Anthem from a Festive to a Patriotic Song by Jeffrey Renshaw (4/02, p. 28)
How to Judge Performances at Contests by Mark Reimer (9/01, p. 58)
Isaac Stern Remembered by Anne Mischakoff Heiles (ll/01, p. 72)
It Takes a Passion for Music to Run Instrument Companies by Daniel J. Henkin (9/01, p. 27)
The Making of a Drum Company by William F. Ludwig, Jr. (2/02, p. 44)
Preview of the 2001 Midwest Clinic (12/01, p. 22)
Remembering Louis Ouzer (1913-2002) (4/02, p. 86)
Research Reduces the Mystery in Choosing a Music School by E. Matlick (9/01, p. 62)
The Ringgold Band of Pennsylvania Celebrates 150 Years of Music by Maria C. Reichenbach (4/02, p. 62)
The Unexpected Problems Begin When the Band Bus Pulls Out by Mark Stevens (6/02, p. 48)
What’s New in the Music Industry (2/02, p. 28)
When the Music Has Been Too Loud for Too Long by S. L. Ross (8/01, p. 52)
Personal Perspectives
Art Cuts Really Sphinx by Dave Barry (12/01, p. 80)
Beat the Drum Slowly by William F. Ludwig, Jr. (3/02, p. 104)
A Career in the Community by Keith Mann (8/01, p. 88)
The Educational Rollercoaster by Robert Weirich (6/02, p. 80)
The Fading Sounds of Bugles by Robert Tomsho (4/02, p. 96)
Finding Beauty in an Old L.P. by Larry McElroy (l/02,p. 80)
How Engineering Lost a Leader by Himie Voxman (2/02, p. 88)
Memories of The National Guard Band by Larry McElroy (10/01, p. 112)
Opening the Band Room Door by Robert E. Foster (7/02, p. 96)
Radio Days by Elaine Fine (5/02, p. 88) Without a Safety Net by Erik Janners (11/01, p. 80)
Author Index
Barry, Dave, Dec./80, (PP)
Barton, Gary, Oct./15, (I. C); June/31, (I, E)
Bath, Harry D., May/34, (C)
Battisti, Frank, Nov./46, (C); Feb./20, (1) July/46 (E)
Baumer, Matthew, Aug./30, (I, O)
Beck, Dennis, Mar./32, (E); June/70, (E)
Bough, Thomas, Aug./76, (B); Oct./52, (M)
Camphouse. Mark, Oct./40, (C)
Colnot, CIttt, Mar./13, (C)
Croft, James, Sep./l 7, (C)
Dallman, Elizabeth, Nov./13, (I, B); Jan./ 23, (X); Apr./I4, (I, E) Nov./13, (B)
Doerksen, Paul F, Mar./44, (E)
Doty, Michael, Dec./32, (I)
Dunnigan. Patrick, Oct./46, (M)
Fine, Elaine, May/88, (PP); June/l2, (I, O)
Flake, Michael, Oct./20, (E)
Foster, Robert E., July/96, (PP)
Gillespie, Robert, Apr./56, (O)
Haas, Jonathan, Jan./42, (P)
Hartley, Linda, Mar./16, (I, E)
Heavner, Tracy Lee, Jan./74, (W)
Heiles, Anne Mischakoff, Nov./72, (X); Feb./56, (B)
Hemphill, Stephen, Nov./56, (P)
Henkin, Daniel J., Sep./27, (X)
Hosier, Mark, May/30, (E)
Janners, Erik. Nov./80, (PP)
Jarvis, Jeff, Dec./40, (J)
Jicha, Victoria, Apr./40, (I, W)
Johns, Michael, June/27, (C)
Jones, Glenda, Dec./54, (E)
Knight, John, Aug./17, (C); Nov./29, (C); Feb./14, (C); July/29, (C);
Kulik, Randy, May/54, (J)
Lambert, David, Apr./43, (J)
Laudermilch. Kenneth, June/40, (B)
Lee, Mike, Aug./82, (X)
Ludwig,William F., Jr., Feb./44, (I); Mar./104, (PP)
Maiello, Anthony J., July/17, (C)
Mann, Keith, Aug./88, (PP)
Matlick, Elder, Sep./62, (X)
McBeth, W. Francis, Dec./12, (C)
McBrien, Brendan, Jan./32, (I)
McCrann, James P., Mar./20, (C)
McElroy, Larry, Oct./l12, (PP); Jan./80, (PP)
Meader, Rebecca, Jan./52, (W)
Meckna, Michael, Aug./12, (J)
Menghini, Charles T, July/20, (C)
Meyerdierks, Bradford, Sep./20, (I, E); Nov./25, (C)
Modell, Ron, Sept./H, (E)
Moore, Daryl T., July/12, (I, E)
Moss, Bruce, May/14, (I, C)
Mullins, Shirley Strohm, Dec./48, (O)
Needham, Brenda, Aug./42, (O)
Papastefan, John J., May/52, (P)
Peterson, Stephen, June/18, (C)
Pettit, Heather, Jan./12, (I)
Phelan, James, June/73, (W)
Redcay, Andrea, Feb./62, (W)
Reichenbach, Maria C, Apr./62, (X)
Reimer, Mark, Sept./58, (X)
Renshaw, Jeffrey, Apr./28, (X)
Rocco, Roger, July/38, (B)
Rohner, James T., Apr./19, (E)
Ross, Stewart L, Aug./52, (X)
Shofner, Deborah A., Oct./56, (E)
Smith, Christopher M., Mar./36, (B)
Stevens, Mark, June/48, (X)
Stewart, Scott A., May/19, (C)
Stone, Michael D., Oct./50, (E)
Thomson, John, Dec./14, (I, E)
Tomsho, Robert, Apr./96, (PP)
Townsend, Brad, Aug./48, (M)
Voxman, Himie, Feb./83, (PP)
Wacker, Therese, Nov./36, (W)
Weirich, Robert, Sep./34, (X); June/80 (PP)
Wheeler, C., Nov./18, (X); Jan./15, (J)
Wilder, Ralph, May/50, (E)
B = Brass articles
C = Analyses and Conducting articles
E = Music Education articles
I = Interviews and Profiles
J = Jazz articles
M = Marching Band articles
O = Orchestra and String articles
P = Percussion articles
PP = Personal Perspective
W = Woodwind articles
X = Miscellaneous articles