Flute Talk
September 2002-July 2003
Shulman, Suzanne, P. Hansen (Sept., 6)
Jennings, Christina, V. Jicha (Oct., 6)
Torres, Nestor, V. Jicha (Nov., 6)
O’Connor, Tara, Jara Kern (Dec., 6)
Piccinini Maria, V. Jicha (Jan. 5)
Bennett, William, V. Jicha (Feb., 5)
Schocker, Gary, V. Jicha (March, 5)
Koidin, Julie. V. Jicha (April, 4)
Zupam, Mate, V. Jicha (May, 6)
Heiss, John, V. Mulvey (July, 5)
Performance Guides:
Ibert, Trois Piece Breve by Joanna White (Sept., 12)
Martin, Ballade by Donald Peck (Oct., 10)
Bach, J.S., Sonata in B Minor by Wendy Herbener Mehne (Nov., 10)
Roussel, Jouers de Flute by Mary Louise Poor (Dec., 14)
Bach, J.S., Sonata in A Major by Wendy Herbener Mehne (Jan., 9)
Muczynski, Three Preludes by Andrea Redcay Graves (Feb., 9)
Debussy, Afternoon of a Faun by Mark Sparks (Mar., 11)
Ran, Shulamit, East Wind by Mary Stolper (April, 10)
Nielsen, Flute Concerto by T. Christiansen and M. Debost (May 10, July, 10)
Intonation, P. George (Sept., 16)
Focal Dystonia, Peter W. Iltis (Oct., 14)
My Marathon Session with Moyse, Suzanne Shulman (Oct., 20)
A Vertical View of Etudes, Dona Gilliam (Dec., 19)
Try New Flexibility Exercise, P. George (Jan., 13)
Proven Teaching Methods, Susan Levitin (Feb., 12)
A Graded-Literature Guide, Cynthia Stevens (Mar., 28)
The Amazing Soda Straw Trick, J. Barcellona (April, 26)
My Super Scale Routine, P. George (May, 14)
More Is Not Always Better, Brent Coppenbarger (May, 26)
Play on the Wet, Not on the Dry, J. Barcellona (May, 32)
Method Books, Carrie Swing (July, 20)
Embouchure, J. Barcellona (July, 32)
Prelude by Mathieu Perault (Oct., 18)
Duett by C.P.E. Bach (Nov., 16)
Noel sur les Flutes by Daquin (Dec., 16)
Gigue by Antoine Dornel (Jan., 16)
Duetto by Hoffmeister (Mar., 16)
Gavotte en Rondeau, L’Indiscrete by Boismortier (April, 16)
Air XI Hornpipe by Defesch (May, 19)
Vivace from Sonata I, opus 2 by Charles Delusse (July, 16)
Old French School Arrives with George Barrere (Oct., 23)
A Few Dont’s for Flutists, Rex Elton Fair (Oct., 26)
The Uneven History of Vibrato, Jennifer Blue (Feb., 17)
C.P.E. Bach’s D Minor Work, Keiichi Kubota (April, 14)
The Legendary Emil Medicus, Mark Thomas (April, 18)
F. Kuhlau, Ann Fairbanks (July, 12)
Allen Krantz’s Song of Spring, Lois Herbine (Sept., 32)
Piccolo Premieres in Washington, Diane Boyd Schultz (Oct., 36)
Two Orchestral Piccolo Solos, J. Gippo (Nov., 32)
Update on Lost Piccolo Pieces, J. Gippo (Dec., 31)
Most Requested Piccolo Excerpts, Jennifer Cadwell (Jan., 32)
Six Piccolo Method Books, Jennifer Cadwell (Feb., 32)
Hernandez, Ana Maria, Jennifer Cadwell (Mar., 32)
Many Piccolos to Choose From, J. Gippo (April, 32)
Four Piccolo Pieces by French Composers, Jennifer Cadwell (May, 31)
Teamwork, Cynthis Ellis (Jully, 31)
Careers in Chamber Music, V. Jicha (Sept., 27)
Those First Four Measures, Mary Karen Clardy (Sept., 14)
Flute Performances in Church, Roland Stycos (Oct., 16)
Handmade Flutes, J. Landell (Nov., 26)
Sectional Rehearsals, Andrea Redcay Graves (Dec., 16)
Woodwind Quintet Literature, J. White (Nov., 19)
The Ongoing Search for the Perfect Tempo, M. Debost (Dec., 10)
The Color of Music, Donald Peck (Jan., 2)
Tips for Starting Flute Choirs, Rebecca Meador (Jan., 26)
Physical Fitness for Flutists, J. Barcellona (Jan., 30)
Welcome Audiences with a Smile, Leone Buyse (Feb., 16)
Gold-Plated Flute Pads, Jim Schmidt (Feb., 26)
A Lifetime of Flute Playing, Sonny Burnette (May, 16)
Proven Ways to Recruit Students, Rhonda Ringering (Sept., 18)
Save Time with a Newsletter, Kenneth Renshaw (Jan., 14)
Resume Writing, J. White (April, 24)
Author Index Cross Reference:
Barcellona, John: Apr./26, May/32, July/32 (P); Jan./30 (G)
Barrere, George: Oct./23 (H)
Blue, Jennifer: Feb./17 (H)
Burnette, Sonny: May/16 (X)
Buyse, Leone: Feb./16 (X)
Cadwell, Jennifer: Jan./32, Feb./32, Mar./32, May/32 (L)
Christiansen, Toke Lund: May/10, July/10 (G)
Clardy, Mary Karen: Sept./14 (X)
Coppenbarger, Brent: May/26 (P)
Debost, Michel? Dec./10 (X)
Ellis, Cynthia: July/31 (L)
Fair, Rex Elton: Oct./26 (H)
George, Patricia: Sept./16, Jan./13, May/14 (P)
Gilliam, Dona: Dec./18 (P)
Gippo, Jan: Nov./32, Dec./31 (L); Dec./16 (M)
Graves, Andrea Reedcay: Feb./9 (M); Dec./16 (G)
Herbine, Lois: Sept./32 (L)
Iltis, Peter W.: Oct./14 (P)
Jicha, Victoria: Oct./6, Nov./6, Jan./5, Feb./5, April/4 (I); Sept./27 (P)
Kern, Jara: Dec./6 (I)
Kubota, Keiichi: April/14 (H)
Landell, Jonathon: Nov./26 (X)
Levitin, Susan: March/18 (P)
Martyn-Baker, Julie: March/5 (I)
McKay, Polly: Sept./5 (I)
Meador, Rebecca: Jan./30 (X)
Mehne, Wendy Herbener: Nov./10, Jan./9 (G)
Mulvey, Vanessa Breault: July/5 (I)
Peck, Donald: Oct./10 (G); Jan./2 (X)
Renshaw, Kenneth: Jan./14 (B)
Ringering, Rhonda: Sept./18 (B)
Schmidt, Jim: Feb./16 (X)
Schultz, Diane Boyd: Oct./36 (L)
Shulman, Suzanne: Oct./20 (P)
Sparks, Mark: March/11 (G)
Stevens, Cynthia: March/28 (P)
Stolper, Mary: April/10 (G)
Stycos, Roland: Oct./16 (X)
Swing, Carrie: July/30 (P)
Thomas, Mark: April/18 (H)
White, Joanna: Sept./12 (M); April/24 (B); Nov./19 (X)
B = Business
I = Interviews
G = Performance Guides
H = History
L = Piccolo
P = Pedagogy
M = Music
X = Miscellaneous