Annual Index Flute Talk 1998-1999

Flute Talk

September 1998-July 1999

Jawboning: Less Is More, Michel Debost (Sept./4)
Talking About Flutes, K. Goll-Wilson (Sept./2) (Oct./2) (Nov./2) (Dec./2) (Jan./2) (Feb./2) (March/2) (April/2) (May/2) (July/2)
Liberty and the Flute, Michel Debost (Oct./4)
Active Tone Practice, Michel Debost (Nov./4)(Dec./4)
Minuet or Funeral March, Michel Debost (Jan./4)
In Just Three Words, Michel Debost (Feb./4)
Imaginative Articulation, Michel Debost (March/4)
Fingerings to Enhance Tone, Michel Debost (April/4)
Lips for Kissing, Michel Debost (May/4)

Pierre-Yves Artaud, Kathleen Chastain (Sept./8)
Gerardo Discepolo, K. Goll-Wilson (Oct./8)
Philip Dunigan, Andrea Kapell Loewy (Nov./9)
Just Notes, Until Now, Flora Lim (Dec./8)
Jean-Pierre Rampal, Denis Verroust (Jan./8)
Robert Dick, K. Goll-Wilson (Feb./8)
Emily Skala, Susan Hayes (March/8)
Jeanne Baxtresser, Don Bailey (April/8)
Hugh Downs, John Bell Young (April/25)
Boulez on Boulez, K. Goll-Wilson (May/6)
Beth Chandler, K. Goll-Wilson (July/9)
Donald Peck (July/20)

Performance Guides:
Feld’s Sonata for Flute and Piano, Lana Johns (Sept./12)
Schumann’s Romances, Kenneth Chia (Oct./13)
Fukushima’s Mei, Jan Vinci (Nov./14)
Copland’s Duo, Nina Perlove (Dec./12)
The Boulez Without Fear, Dionne Hansen (Dec./18)
Liebermann Sonata, John Lane (Jan./14)
Feld’s Introduzione, Toccata, and Fuga, Dennette McDermott (Jan./ 26)
Images for Copland’s Duo, Kerry Clinton (Feb./13)
Martinu’s Trio, Dennette McDermott (March/12)

Woodwind Intonation, John Barcellona (Sept./16)
Imitating Voice on the Flute, Paul Renzi (Sept./22)
Vivid Images Are Better Than Words, Joan Marie Bauman (Nov./11)
Trouble Shooting Flute Problems, Lisa Garner (Jan./18)
Common-Sense Flute Playing, Rebecca Dunnell (April/23)
Moyse’s 24 Etudes for Flute, Eleanor, Lawrence (May/12)
It’s All In the Ear, David Wechsler (July/24)

Advice from the Pros on Piccolo Auditions, Regina Helcher (Sept./32)
New Concerto from Down Under, Diane Boyd (Oct./32)
New Piccolo Commissions, Shannon Finney (Nov./32)
The Piccolo, Then and Now, Jan Gippo (Dec./12)
Piccolo Playing Hints, Jan Gippo (Jan./32)
Overture to Semiramide, Jan Gippo (March/32)
Samuel Adler’s Canto XIII, Jan Gippo (April/32)
Martin Amlin’s Piccolo Sonata, Zart Dombourian-Eby (May/32)
For the Birds, Laurence Trott (July/32)

Corazonna Of The Bagpipes and Christmas Brings Joy to Every Heart (Dec./24)

Composing for Flute Choir, Sonny Burnette (Sept./20)
Flutists of the New York Met, Kathleen Goll-Wilson (Sept./23)
Building Confidence, Ellen Burr (Sept./26)
Checklist for Competitions, Kaye L. Clements (Oct./17)
Directory of Flute Competitions
Auditions, College, and Beyond, Mary Karen Clardy (Nov./18)
Musical Careers in the MIlitary, Msgt. Lawrence Ink (Nov./26)
Developing a Jazz Technique, Robert Rawlins (Dec./21)
Flute Music of William Grant Still, Bethany Harvey (Jan./20)
Introductory Classes, Ellen Burr (Jan./24)
Performance Suggestions from Jeanne Baxtresser, Jessica Schmitz (Feb./16)
It’s Only Fitting, James Phelan (Feb./28)
Practice the Picc, Diane Boyd
A Sublime Reading List, Trey Reely (Feb./22)
What’s New in 1999 (Feb./6)
1999 Summer Masterclasses (March/14)
Plumbing the Depths, Paige MacDonald (March/28)
DeLaney’s Compositional Endeavors, Karen Haid (April/13)
Flute Music of Keith Gates, Tracy Schmidt (April/18)
Argentine Flutists, Alison Young (April/21)
The Best Audition Tapes, Karen Van Dyke (April/24)
Quit Harping and Duo It, Monty and Phyllis Adams (May/16)
Flute Music of Brazil, Tadeu Coelho (May/20)
When the Fat Lady Sings, The Flute Comes In, Penelope Fischer (May/26)
Of Flutes and Jewels, Wendell Dobbs (May/30)
Performance Tips from the Judges, K. Goll-Wilson (July/12)
Annual Index of Flute Talk articles, 1998-1999

Alain Marion (Sept./28)
Alain Marion, K. Goll-Wilson (Oct./27)

Author Index Cross Reference
Adams, Monty & Phyllis: May/16(X)
Bailey, Don: April/8 (I)
Barcellona, John: Sept./16 (P)
Boyd, Diane: Oct./32 (L)
Bauman, Joan Marie: Nov./11 (P)
Burnette, Sonny: Sept./20 (X)
Burr, Ellen: Sept./26, Jan./24 (X)
Chastain, Kathleen: Sept./8 (I)
Chia, Kenneth: Oct./13 (G)
Clardy, Mary Karen: Nov./18 (X)
Clements, Kaye L.: Oct./17 (X)
Clinton, Kerry: Feb./13 (G)
Coelho, Tadeu: May/20(X)
Debost, Michel: Sept./4, Oct./4, Nov./4, Dec./4, Jan./4, Feb./4, March/4, April/4, May/4 (C)
Dobbs, Wendell: May/30(X)
Dombourian-Eby, Zart: May/32 (L)
Dunnell, Rebecca: April/23 (P)
Finney, Shannon: Nov./32 (L)
Fischer, Penelope: May/26(X)
Garner, Lisa: Jan./18 (P)
Gippo, Jan: Dec./12, Jan./32, March/32, April/32 (L)
Goll-Wilson, K.: Sept./2, Oct./2, Nov./2, Dec./2, Jan./2, Feb./2, March/2, April/2, May/2, July/2 (C)
Oct./8, Feb./8 May/6l, July/9 (I) Sept./23, July/12, Oct./27 (X)

Haid, Karen: April/13(X)
Hansen, Dionne: Dec./18 (G)
Harvey, Bethany: Jan./20(X)
Hayes, Susan: March/8 (I)
Helcher, Regina: Sept./32 (L)
Ink, Lawrence: Nov./26(X)
Johns, Lana: Sept./12 (G)
Lane, John: Jan./14 (G)
Lawrence, Eleanor: May/12 (P)
Lim, Flora: Dec./8 (I)
Loewy, Andrea Kapell: Nov./9 (I)
Marianiello, Linda: Feb./19(X)
MacDonald, Paige: March/28(X)
McDermott, Dennette: Jan./26, March/12 (G)
Perlove, Nina: Dec./12 (G)
Phelan, James: Feb./28(X)
Rawlins, Robert: Dec./21(X)
Reely, Trey: Feb./22(X)
Renzi, Paul: Sept./22 (P)
Schmidt, Tracy: April/18(X)
Schmitz, Jessica: Feb./16 (X)
Trout, Laurence: July/32 (L)
Van Dyke, Karen: April/24(X)
Verroust, Denis: Jan./8 (I)
Vinci, Jan: Nov./14 (G)
Wechsler, David: July/24 (P)
Young, Alison: April/21(X)
Young, John Bell: April/25 (I)

C = Columns
I = Interviews
G = Performance Guides
P = Pedagogy
M = Music
L = Piccolo
X = Miscellaneous Articles