Flute Talk
September 2004-July 2005
Benefits of Studying Music, P. George (Sept./2)
Remembering Gazzelloni, C. Anderson(Oct./2)
Composers and Pandering, L. Zaninnelli (Nov./2)
Flute Notes, V. Jicha (March./2)
Fixing Diffcult Passages, Part I, M. Debost (April/2)
Fixing Diffcult Passages, Part II, M. Debost (May/2)
Fixing Diffcult Passages, Part III, M. Debost (July/2)
Edmund-Davies, Paul, Garica (Sept./6)
Anderson, Claudia, V. Jicha (Oct./6)
Guenther, Ralph, B. Blanchard (Oct./26)
Monteux, Claude, E.G. Stanek (Nov./8)
Horn, Paul, R. Watson (Dec./6)
Buyse, Leone, V. Jicha (Jan./6)
Anderson, Ian, V. Jicha (Feb./6)
Amsler, Eva, C. Guenther (March/6)
Poor, Mary Louise, V. Jicha (April/6)
Rangell, Nelson, V. Jicha (May/6)
Lynn, Michael, V. Jicha (July/6)
Performance Guides:
Taffanel, Grand Fantaisie, C. Kelley (Sept./10)
Berio, Sequenza, C. Anderson (Oct./12)
La Montaine, John, Solo Sonata, D. Peck (Nov./13)
Feld, Jindrich, American Sonatina, Lana Johns (Dec./12)
Bach, Partita, V. Jicha (Jan./12)
Colquhoun, Michael, Charanga, L. Garrison (Feb./11)
Doppler, Albert Franz, Fantasie Pastorale, A. Greenbaum (March/12)
Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra, D. Peck (July/12)
Three is Never a Crowd, S. Winton & K. Widenhouse (Sept./18)
Coping with Small Hands, M. York, (Sept./29)
Precision and Musicality, Cochran (Sept./23)
Tone Color and Intonation, Barcellona (Sept./32)
Temperaments and Tuning, Barcellona (Oct./32)
Practice Makes Perfect, P. Hansen (Oct./30)
Etudes and Exercises, L. Ronai (Nov./26)
Intonation and Tuning Systems, Barcellona (Nov./32)
Intonation and Tuning Systems, Part II, Barcellona (Dec./32)
Teach Rhythm with Choro, J. Koidin, (Jan./18)
Teach Alternate Fingerings Early, N. Herszbaum (Jan./22)
Minor Pentatonic Scale, C. Crossley (Jan./32)
Muscles and Technique, Barcellona (Feb./28)
Circular Breathing, Barcellona (Mar./32)
Musical Dots, P. George (March/24)
Alexander Technique, S. Farina (April/25)
Hame Some Fun on April 1, P. George (Aprilo/31)
Forgotten Treasure, C. Potter (May/18)
Giga and Gavotta, J.C. Schickardt (Sept./16)
Deux Rossignols, Michel Blavet (Oct./16)
Andante, F. Kuhlau (Nov./16)
Greensleeves, arr. M. Lynn (Dec./16)
Le Vilers–Brulin Branle 1 & 2, Nicolas Chedeville le Cadet (Jan./16)
My Dearie an ye Die The Highland Lassie, James Oswald (Feb./16)
Etude #12, Jean-Louis Tulou (March/16)
Andante, George Schnieder (April/16)
Moderato, V. Nelhybel (May/19)
Allegretto, C.P.E. Bach (July/30)
Remembering Gazzelloni, C. Anderson (Oct./2)
Quantz Flute Quartets Lost and Found, M. Oleskiewicz (April/13)
The Flute in the Baroque Period, T.E. Yonce (May/22)
The Stars and Stripes Forever, R. Foster (July/40)
The Stars and Stripes Forever, R. Foster (July/40)
Alternate Piccolo Fingerings, J. Gippo (Sept./20)
Manookian’s Piccolo Concerto, C. Ellis (Oct./18)
2004 N.F.A. Piccolo Events, M. Williams (Nov./21)
Carmina Burana, M. Williams (Dec./20)
Trios for Piccolo, C. Ellis (Jan./15)
San Francisco Piccolo Players, C. Ellis (Feb./30)
Rhian Kenny, C. Ellis (March/30)
Shostakovich’s 9th Symphony, C. Ellis (April/21)
All About Grenadilla, C. Ellis (May/20)
Unsung Assistants, J. Kern (Sept./12)
Taking Up the Flute Again, L. Duesing (Oct./29)
Clement Barone (1921-2004) (Nov./24)
Take Care of Your Lips, H. Rentz (Nov./6)
Careers in the Military, N. Raphael (Nov./18)
Shopping for a Headjoint, R. Stycos (Dec./15)
Chinese Dizi, K. Chow-Morris (Dec./26)
Recital Planning, C.E. Beard (Dec./29)
Sources for Brazilian Music, T. Moore (Jan./20)
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation, M. Adler (Feb./18)
Depth of Music, Eric Ostling (Feb./24)
Mind your Music Manners, P. George (Feb./32)
Finding the Right Masterclass, A. Thibeault (April/29)
Freelance Flutist, E. Burr (May/32)
Preparing for Competitions, P. George, (July/34)
2004-2005 Competition Listing (Oct./22)
Masterclass Directory, T. Watson, (March/18)
Author Index Cross Reference:
Adler, Marc: Feb./18 (X)
Anderson, Claudia: Oct/2(H); Oct./12 (M)
Barcellona, John: Sept./32/ Oct./32; Nov./32; Dec./32; Feb./28; March/32 (P)
Beard, Christine Erlander; Dec./29(X)
Blanchard, Bonnie: Oct./26(I)
Brown, Tom: Jan./20(X)
Chow-Morris, Kim: Dec./26(X)
Cochran, Mary Lee: Sept./23(P)
Crossley: Jan./32(P)
Debost, Michel: April/2; May/8; July/8(C)
Duesing, Laurie: Oct./29(X)
Ellis, Cynthia: Oct./18; Jan./15; Feb./30; March/30; April/21(L)
Farina, Stephanie: April/25(P)
Foster, Robert: July/40(H)
Garcia, Nora Lee: Sept./6(I)
Garrison, Leonard: Feb./11(M)
George, Patricia: Sept./2(C); March/24; April/31(P); Feb./32(X); July/34(X)
Gippo, Jan: Sept./20(L)
Greenbaum, Adrianne: March/12(M)
Guenther, Christina: March/6(I)
Hansen, Polly: Oct./30(P)
Herszbaum, Nestor: Jan./22(P)
Jicha, Victoria: March/2(C); Oct./6; Jan./6; Jan./12(M); Feb./6; April/8; May/12; July/18 (I)
Johns, Lana: Dec./12(G)
Kelley, Connie: Sept./10(M)
Kern, Jara: Sept./12(X)
Koidin, Julie: Jan./18(P)
Oleskiewicz, Mary: April/13(H)
Ostling, Eric: Feb./24(X)
Peck, Donald: Nov./13(M); July/12(M)
Raphael, Nan: Nov./18(X)
Rentz, Heather: Nov./6(X)
Ronai, Laura: Nov./16(P)
Stanek, Emily: Nov./8(I)
Stycos, Roland: Dec./15(X)
Thibeault, Anne: April/29(X)
Watson, Robin Wilson: Dec./6(I)
Widenhouse, Kathy: Sept./18(P)
Winton, Sharon: Sept./18(P)
Yonce, T.E.: May/22(H)
York, Molly L.: Sept./29(P)
Zaninelli, Luigi: Nov./2(C)
C = Columns
I = Interviews
G = Guides
H = History
L = Piccolo
P = Pedagogy
M = Music
X = Miscellaneous