Daphnis and Chloe Errata

Clinton F. Nieweg and Carol A. Westfall | April 2012

Errata List for the Orchestra Flute Parts:
Comments Regarding Disparities between Score and Parts

   The following chart represents the larger corrections and modifications that the editors have made to the flute parts since the publication of the 1989 Kalmus reprint. All entries refer to both score and parts unless otherwise indicated. These editorial decisions have been made after referring to Steven Carl Bird’s doctoral dissertation, “A Preliminary Comparison of the Autograph Score of Maurice Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloe with the 1913 Edition of the Full Score by Durand et Fils” (University of Texas at Austin, August 1989). Mr. Bird frequently consulted with Mr. Nieweg during the preparation of his dissertation, while he had access to Ravel’s original manuscript of the Ballet. Changes using the manuscript are indicated in the chart as Ms. For a listing of corrections for all instruments consult Mr. Bird’s meticulous 256 page dissertation. These changes are included in the 3rd edition score and parts edited by Clinton F. Nieweg and Carol A. Westfall. Published by E.F. Kalmus LC – Catalog Number A6754 ©2012.

   Many books have the wrong instrumentation formula for the Flute section. 4 players are needed: 1 First Flute, 1 Second Flute doubling Second Piccolo, 1 First Piccolo and 1 Alto Flute in G. As listed in the score: 1 Petite Flûte I, 2 Grandes Flûtes (la 2e prenant la 2e Petite Flûte).1 Flûte en Sol


Errata List

   The many corrections of the pitches in the cues in all parts have not been listed nor have all of the additions and deletions of accents have been listed on this chart. The corrections in this chart are also valid for the Durand (Kalmus reprint A6755) for the Suite II section of the Ballet Score and Flute parts.
   From Reh. 198 to the end many accidentals have been corrected in this 3rd edition. The problem with the pitches in the 5/4 measures: The Durand engraver must have thought that the dotted bar line canceled the accidental and the pitch reverted back to the key signature but that is not the correct musical rule. Also the given accidental is only good for that octave. To make it clear in the score and part some cautionary accidentals have been added. Not as many are needed in the parts but they do help the players in these fast passages.
   Ravel preferred that the Sur la Scène parts for piccolo and E-flat clarinet be played by additional players off stage, although the two solos are cued in the orchestra parts in the Durand original and Kalmus reprint edition.
An excerpt from one of Ravel’s letters to M. Durand is helpful in clarifying many of the tempo errors found in previous editions:

  A telegram from Ansermet, asking for some clarifications about the tempi in the 2nd suite from Daphnis, allowed me to ascertain – which I had already partially done – that complete lunacy presided over the tempo indications: at 176 (very slow) there is: quarter note = 66. It should read eighth note = 66 (in the piano score as well). Further on, in the 4th measure before 180 add a tempo, and in the following measure add twice as fast: quarter note = the preceding eighth note. Therefore, at 180 (lively) quarter note = the preceding sixteenth note (same for piano).
  At 194 (animated) there is no metronome indication for the orchestra. The piano has one, alas! Quarter note = 68; and, more aggravating: Andante! It should be 168. One day, I must reexamine this unfortunate score from beginning to end.
(Used with permission of Arbie Orenstein and the Columbia University Press.)

Beck, Crafton. “Use of the Dot for Articulation and Accent in Orchestral Repertoire (1880-1920),” Journal of the Conductors’ Guild. Volume X, nos.1, 2. 12-23.
Bird, Steven Carl. A Preliminary Comparison of the Autograph Score of Maurice Ravel’s Ballet DAPHNIS ET CHLOE with the 1913 Edition of the Full Score by Durand et Fils. Doctoral dissertation: University of Texas at Austin, 1989.
Orenstein, Arbie. A Ravel Reader. Columbia University Press: New York, 1990.
Ravel, Maurice. Daphnis et Chloe. Reduction pour piano par L’Auteur. Durand et Cie: Paris, 1910.
Ravel, Maurice. Daphnis et Chloe. Full score. Durand et Cie: Paris, 1913.
Ravel, Maurice. Daphnis et Chloe. Study score. Durand et Cie: Paris, 1913.
Schuller, Gunther. The Compleat Conductor. Oxford University Press: New York, 1997.

   Special thanks to Greg Vaught, Principal Librarian of the San Antonio Symphony, for his extensive errata list and Jennifer Johnson, Assistant Librarian, Met Opera for finding further mistakes. The input from conductors Jonathan Del Mar, Charles Dutoit, Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos, Gunther Schuller, and Mark Wigglesworth was also of great help to the editors. A special thanks to Dr. Steven Carl Bird for sharing his research.