Flute Talk
September 2009-July 2010
Souvenir de Prague, M. Debost (Sept./2)
Practice Resolutions, B. Garner (Oct./2)
Blowing or Breathing, M. Debost (Nov./2)
Symmetry and the Flute, M. Debost (Dec./2)
Mozart Trills, M. Debost (Jan./20)
Trompe-l’œil, Trompe-l’oreille, M. Debost (Mar./2)
Talking About Sound, B. Garner (April/2)
Liberté, Egalité, Stabilité, M. Debost (May/2)
Bustin’ Some Flute Myths, B. Garner, (July/20)
Gergely Ittzés , J. Koidin (Sept./6)
Carol Wincenc, K. Chastain (Oct./8)
David Weiss, V. Jicha (Nov,/8)
Mihoko Watanabe, V. Jicha (Dec,/8)
Holly Hofmann, V. Jicha (Jan./8)
Linda Chatterton, V. Jicha (Feb./6)
Jean Ferrandis, V. Jicha (April/6)
Cavatina Duo, L. Schroeder (May/8)
Lew Tabackin, V. Jicha (July/24)
Performance Guides:
Pierre Max Dubois’ Concerto, Lindsay Beasley (Oct./12)
Berio’s Sequenza, Matthew Allison (Jan./13)
Roger Goeb’s Two Divertimenti, Elise Schauer (Feb./14)
Hopi Culture and the Music of Katherine Hoover, Heidi Kay Begay (Mar./19)
Rouse Concerto, Emily G. Stanek (Apr./12)
Kazuo Fukushima’s Shun-San, Helen Bledsoe (May/14)
Victor Herbert’s L’Encore, H. Schuller (July/30)
Back to School, P. George (Sept./12)
10 Exercises for Vibrato Control, P. George (Oct./18)
The Memory Map, Melissa Colgin-Abeln (Nov./13)
Chunk – ing, P. George (Nov./16)
Steps to a Better Tone, P. George (Dec./12)
The Complete Flute Lesson, Tammy Evans Yonce (Dec./24)
Questions and Answers, P. George (Jan./2)
Welcome Students to Lessons, Kathy Cameron (Jan./26)
It Sounded Better at Home!, L. Chatterton (Feb./10)
A Studio Project, P. George (Feb./17)
Why Study Music Theory, P. George (Mar./16)
The Shape of a Note, P. George (April/18)
Colorful Musical Performance, L. Garrison (April/25)
The Perfect Balance, P. George (May/20)
Flute Lessons Via Webcam, E. Elliot (May/24)
Advice for High School and College Students, P. George (July/15)
Allegro Moderato, Paul Hippolyte Camus, Michael Lynn editor (Oct./16))
Freefall, Marc Adler (Dec./16)
Moderato, Duetto VI, William Shield, Michael Lynn editor (Jan./18)
El Simpatico, Tango for Two Flutes, Carlos Posadas, arr. John Gibson (April/22)
Yankee Doodle Dandy, arr. Marc Adler (July/40)
The Waiting Game – Strategies for Tacets, C. Ellis (Sept./32)
New Piccolo Discovery, Lois Herbine (Oct./32)
Convention Highlights, C. Ellis (Nov./32)
Doubling, C. Ellis (Dec./32)
Flash! for Piccolo and Piano, C. Ellis (Jan./32)
Masterpieces for Wind Band, Music for Prague 1968, C. Ellis (Feb./32)
Delightful New Compositions, J. Gippo (April/32)
Paul Hindemith’s Symphony in Bb Major, C. Ellis (May/32)
Questions and Answers, C. Ellis (July/48)
Planning a Flute Festival, Florence Nelson (Sept./16)
Developing Studio Policies, Phyllis A. Louke (Sept./22)
Flute and Clarinet Together, Joanna White (Sept./26)
Flute in South Africa, Helen Spielman (Oct./22)
Preparing a New Chamber Work and New Chamber Music for Flute and Clarinet, Part II, Joanna Cowan White (Nov./21)
Flute Lessons in Serbia, J. Koidin (Dec./18)
Tuning Your Flute Chor, Julie Sooy (Dec./26)
Flute in South Africa: A South African Response, Marietjie Pauw (Feb./2)
Have Flute, Will Travel, Phyllis A. Louke (Feb./21)
Playing Flute After Age 40, Dawn Weiss (Feb./24)
Preparation for College, Leone Buyse, P. George, Adrianne Greenbaum, George Pope (Mar./8)
Buying a Big Flute, C. Potter (Mar./22)
The College Audition Trail, Joan Rudd (Mar./40)
Convention in Southern California, C. Ellis (July/10)
The Differences Between Metals, J. Foutch (July/34)
2009-2010 Dir. of Flute Festivals (Oct./25)
Dir. of Competitions 2009-2010 (Oct/26)
2010 Directory of Summer Masterclasses, Camps & Festivals, L. Chivers (Mar./26)
Karen D. Adrian (Jan./29)
Albert Weatherly (Feb./31)
Phillip Kaplan (April/28)
Author Index Cross Reference
Adler, Marc: Dec./16; July/40 (M)
Allison, Matthew: Jan./13 (G)
Beasley, Lindsay: Oct./12 (G)
Begay, Heidi Kay: Mar./19 (G)
Bledsoe, Helen: May/14 (G)
Buyse, Leone: Mar./8 (X)
Cameron, Kathy: Jan./26 (P)
Chastain, Kathleen: Oct./8 (I)
Chatterton, Linda: Feb./10 (P)
Colgin-Abeln, Melissa: Nov./13 (P)
Debost, Michel: Sept./2; Nov./2; Dec./2; Jan./ 20; March/2; May/2 (C)
Elliot, Elizabeth: May/24 (X)
Ellis, C.: Sept./32; Nov./32; Dec./32; Jan./
32; Feb./32; May/32; (L) July/10 (X)
Foutch, Jennie: July/34 (X)
Garner, B.: Oct./2; Apr/2; July/20 (C)
Garrison, Leonard: April/25 (P)
George, Patricia: Sept./12; Oct./18; Nov./
16; Dec./12; Jan./2; Feb./17; Mar./16; Apr./18; May/20; July/15(P) Mar./8 (X)
Gippo, Jan: April/32 (L)
Greenbaum, Adrianne: Mar./8 (X)
Herbine, Lois: Oct./32 (L)
Jicha, Victoria: Nov./8; Dec./8; Jan./8; Feb./6; April/6; July/24 (I)
Koidin, Julie: Sept./6; Dec./18 (I)
Louke, Phyllis A.: Sept./22; Feb./21 (X)
Lynn, Michael: Oct./16(M)
Nelson, Florence: Sept./16 (X)
Pauw, Marietjie: Feb./2 (X)
Pope, George: Mar./8 (X)
Potter, Christine: Mar./22 (X)
Rudd, Joan: Mar./40 (X)
Schauer, Elise: Feb./14(G)
Schroeder, Lisa: May/8 (I)
Schuller, Heidi: July/30 (G)
Sooy, Julie: Dec./26 (X)
Spielman, Helen: Oct./22 (X)
Stanek, Emily Gerace: April/12 (G)
Weiss, Dawn: Feb./24 (X)
White, Joanna: Sept./26; Nov./21 (X)
Yonce, Tammy Evans: Dec./24 (X)
C = Columns
I = Interviews
G = Performance Guides
L = Piccolo
M = Music
P = Pedagogy
X = Miscellaneous