Flute Talk
September 2012-July 2013
Studying the Etude, M. Debost (Sept./2)
A Logical Approach to French Tonguing, M. Debost (Oct./2)
Pierre-Octave Ferroud, M. Debost (Nov./2)
Plethora of Musicians?, M. Debost (Dec./2)
Slammin’ and Squeezin’, M. Debost (Jan./2)
Thoughts on Playing and Teaching the Flute, M. Debost (Feb./2)
Remembering Rampal, M. Debost (Mar./2)
A Breath of Fresh Air for Spring, M. Debost (April/2)
Variations on One Note, M. Debost (May/2)
Barthold und Aurèle, M. Debost (July/2)
From Stage to Studio, An Interview with John Thorne, P. George (Sept./10)
Argentine Flutist, Claudio Barile, N. Horowitz (Oct./10)
From Baroque to Modern: A Flute for Every Period, An Interview with Wendy Rolfe, P. George (Nov./10)
A Conversation with Boston’s Principal Piccolo Cynthia Meyers, C. Ellis (Jan./10)
Teaching in the Northern Woods, An Interview with Nancy Stagnitta, P. George (Mar./8)
A Conversation with John McMurtery, P. George (April/8)
Performing Contemporary Music: An Interview with Patricia Spencer, P. George (May/8)
Thoughts On Auditioning from Aaron Goldman, P. George (July/10)
Performance Guides
Dances of Galánta by Zoltán Kodály, C. Ellis (Sept./32)
From the other Side of the Screen, Four Excerpts Revealed, M. Sparks (Oct./21)
Lincolnshire Posy, C. Ellis (Dec./32)
Debussy’s La Mer, C. Ellis, (Feb./32)
Scheherazade, C. Ellis (April/32)
A Blog from Two Cities: Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony, M. Kaufmann and C. Ellis (May 32)
The Game Plan, R. Stephenson (Sept./27)
Improving Flute Choir Intonation, P. George (Sept./16)
Then and Now, P. George (Oct./16)
Noisy Breathing, P. George (Nov./18)
Five Professionals Share Practice Secrets, (Dec./10)
Constructing a Curriculum, P. George (Dec./20)
Performance Training, R. Larson (Jan./14)
That’s So Difficult, T. Kane (Jan./26)
Tick-Tock from a Clock, P. George (Jan./18)
The Best Lesson Ever: A Vote of Confidence, C. Nelson (Jan./32)
Rhythm Redux, P. George (Feb./14)
CD Production, P. George (Mar./20)
The Daily Flute Workout, C. Romano, (April/14)
In About An Hour, P. George (April/18)
The Best Lesson Ever: Why Harmony Matters, M. Stolper (May/14)
The Footjoint, P. George (May/16)
Sound Starts with the Setup, P. George (July/20)
Practice Notebooks, A. Dade (July/24)
Piccolo on the Run, Playing in a Marching Band, C. Ellis (Oct./32)
Piccolo Tone and Vibrato Tips, C. Ellis (Nov./32)
Urban Myths, C. Ellis (Mar./40)
Fingerings and Hand Position, C. Ellis (July/32)
The Evolution of Rubato, L. McNee (Sept./20)
A Tribute to Walfrid Kujala, P. George (Sept./19)
Tempo in Baroque Music, L. Pereksta (Nov./14)
What I Learned from the Clarinet, W. Kujala (Jan./ 21)
How to Make a Contrabass Flute Stand, J. Cohen (Jan./29)
An Extended Journey, Part 1, L. Garrison (Feb./8)
Just Another Day at the Office, M. Sparks (Feb./16)
College Recruiting Tips: Hosting a Flute Day, N. Riner (Feb./20)
Competition: Friend and Foe, N. Schmalz (Feb./24)
An Extended Journey, Part 2, L. Garrison (Mar./14)
The Artistic Flute in the Early Baroque Period, K. Garrison (April/22)
The Birth of a Chamber Ensemble, E. Amsler (May/20)
You’re Hired: Preparing to Win a College Teaching Job, C. Ramirez (May/24)
41st NFA Convention, T. Coelho (July/16)
Flute Clubs
The Development of Flute Clubs in America, Part 1, K. Melago (Nov./21)
The Development of Flute Clubs in America, Part 2, K. Melago (Dec./16)
Photo Gallery
Summer Flute Fun, (Sept./30)
Emmanuel Pahud, (Dec./27)
Mid-Atlantic Flute Fair (April/29)
Flute Events, Hot Springs Flute Ensemble, (May/28)
Flute Events, New York Flute Club Flute Fair, (May/28)
Flute Events, Greater Portland Flute Fair, (July/23)
Personal Perspective
Baseball and Music, C. George, (Oct./28)
Back in the Flute Loop, C. Roberts (Dec./28)
A Journey from Sax to Flute, H. Bonett (April/27)
Directory of Competitions (Nov./26)
2013 Directory of Summer Masterclass, Camps, & Festivals (Mar./14)
George Koregelos (1927-2021) (Sept./8)
Carl Malcolm Tucker (1921-2013)
Index by Author
Amsler, Eva: (May, 20) (X)
Bonett, Herman: (April/27) (PP)
Coelho, Tadeu: (July/16)
Cohen, Jonathan: (Jan./29) (X)
Dade, Alice: (July/24) (P)
Debost, Michel: (Sept./2), (Oct./2), (Nov./2), (Dec./2), (Jan./2), (Feb./2), (Mar./2), (April/2), (May/2) (July/2) (C)
Ellis, Cynthia: (Sept./32), (Oct./32), (Nov./32), (Dec./32) (Jan./10), (Feb./32), (Mar./40), (April/32), (May/32), (July/32) (C) (I) (PG) (L)
Garrison, Karen: (April/22) (X)
Garrison, Leonard: (Feb./8), (Mar./14) (X)
George, Clara: (Oct./28) (PP)
George, Patricia: (Sept./10), (Sept./16), (Sept./19), (Oct./16), (Nov./ 10), (Nov./18), (Dec./10), (Dec./20), (Jan./18), (Feb./14), (Mar./8), (Mar./20) (April/8), (April/18), (May/8), (May/16) (July/10) (July/20) (P) (I)
Horowitz, Nancy: (Oct./10) (I)
Kane, Trudy: (Jan./26) (P)
Kujala, Walfrid: (Jan./21) (X)
Larson, Rhonda: (Jan./14) (P)
Melago, Kathy: (Nov./21), (Dec./16) (FC)
McNee, Lauren: (Sept./20) (X)
Nelson, Conor: (Jan./32) (P)
Pereksta, Linda: (Nov./14) (X)
Ramirez, Catherine: (May/24) (X)
Riner, Nicole: (Feb./20) (X)
Roberts, Craig: (Dec./28) (PP)
Romano, Charlene: (April/14) (P)
Schmalz, Nancy: (Feb./24) (P)
Sparks, Mark: (Oct./21), (Feb./16) (X) (PG)
Stephenson, Robert: (Sept/27) (P)
Stolper, Mary: (May/14) (P)
C = Columns
I = Interviews
G = Performance Guides
P = Pedagogy
M = Music
L = Piccolo
X = Miscellaneous